This delightful film that was directed, written and produced by Nancy Meyers and stars Robert DeNiro, Anne Hathaway, a luminous Rene Russo, Linda Lavin (always a pleasure to see) and Anders Holm is worth making every effort to see. What could have been a cliché ridden endeavor turns a rather predictable story into something fresh and entertaining, even though I was able to pretty much tell you where this story was headed after the first five minutes. Regardless, I could very easily see both Anne Hathaway and Robert DeNiro being nominated for Oscars (though I don’t think it will happen) for the mere fact that they are so sincere in their approach to interpreting these characters that you truly feel for these folks, in a story that most people will be able to identify with. Intelligently written and directed, it’s a delightful way to spend a couple of hours in the company of some very likeable characters.